§ 16-6. New road names.
The county address administrator is authorized to determine the need for new road names within the jurisdiction of the county for both private and public roads outside the corporate limits of any municipality within the county. Through inter-local agreements, the county may provide new street naming for municipalities in the county.
No new public or private roads shall be named without review and recommendation by the address administrator and approval of the county board of commissioners. The address administrator shall request a public hearing to be set by the board of commissioners, which shall cause the same to be advertised pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 153A 239.1.
New subdivision roads, whether public or private, shall be named when created through the subdivision process in accordance with those procedures outlined in the county subdivision regulations. Street name(s) become final during final plat. The name of any new road, whether it is public or private, shall not duplicate or be phonetically similar to any other road name already registered in the county official street index, irrespective of the use of a suffix as street, drive, place, court, etc. This subsection shall not apply to the extension of existing roads, which should whenever possible be given the same name.
Those people who live on roads that do no serve at least four households will be addressed off the public road from which it intersects. When a public or private road provides access to more than three households, a road name may be assigned. The property owners along such road shall provide a petition with the proposed road name to the county address administrator. After review, the address administrator will submit the proposed road name preferred by at least 51 percent of the property owners served by the road to the county board of commissioners for review and approval.
Streets within mobile home and RV parks, condominium, townhouse, apartment and office complexes should be named so that the buildings or units may be addressed off of the new street(s).
Street signs outside of municipality boundaries shall be placed, constructed, and installed by the county. Street signs inside of municipalities shall be placed, constructed, and installed by the respective municipality.
(Amd. of 4-16-07(3); Ord. of 12-5-16(1))
Editor's note
An amendment of April 16, 2007 enacted provisions intended for use as subsections (1)—(4). To preserve the style of this Code, and at the discretion of the editor, said provisions have be redesignated as subsections (a)—(d).