P = Land use is permitted in the District. S = Land use requires a Special Use Permit to be permitted in the District. Blank = Land use is not permitted in the District.
Any land uses not listed are not permitted in any District.
Land Uses RA R35 R20 R15 R15M R10 R5W CC OP RB B1A B1 B2 B3 MC RCP LIW PI IW CUZ-1 CUZ-2 ABC store P P P P P Accessory use and/or building P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Adult establishment S Agricultural use (aka bona fide farm) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Air transportation/airport P P P Alcoholic beverage sales in a retail establishment P P P P P P Alcohol manufacturing and related products P S Ambulance service (private) P P S P P Anemometer P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Animal hospital P P P S S Apartment P P P Appliances (retail and/or maintenance) P P P P Aquacultural use P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Armory for meeting and military training P P P P Art gallery S S S S S P P P P P P Art studio P P P Arts and crafts shop P P P Assembly hall P P P Assembly of prepared parts into finished products S P P S Auction sales P P S P P Auditorium P P P Automobile dealer P P P P Automobile manufacturing S P P Automobile parking and/or deck P P P P P P P P P P P Automobile service station P P P P P Automobile washing
establishmentP P S P P Bakery, provided that products prepared or processed on the premises shall be sold only at retail and only on the premises P P P Bakery plant S P S S Bank P S P P P S Bar, disco, cabaret, nightclub, and/or related entertainment facility P P S Barber shop P P P P P Barge, dock, tugboat, and/or related water transportation facility services and/or equipment P P P Baseball batting cage P P P Beauty shop P P P P P Bed and breakfast P P P P P S S P P S S Bicycle shop P P P Billboard Not Permitted
Billiard hall or parlor P P P S Boardinghouse P P S S S S P P P S S Boat building (manufacturing) S P P P S Boat launching ramp P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Boat repair, renovation, and/or maintenance S P P P S S Boat sales, service, and/or repair P P P P P Boat storage (drystack) P S S P P Boat storage yard S P P P S P P Boat washing establishment P P S P P Boating club P S S S Bona fide farm (aka agricultural use) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Book shop P P P Bottling plant P S S Bowling alley P P P Brewery P S S Building materials (sales only) P P P P P Bus repair and/or storage P P S P P Bus terminal P P S S P P Business residence P P P P P P Cabaret, bar, nightclub, disco, and/or related entertainment facility P P S Cabinet shop S P P S S Camera shop P P P Camp (seasonal) P P S S S S P Campground P P Cannery P S S Car wash P P S P P Caretaker's quarters P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Cargo facility (pier, wharf, deepwater berth, etc.) S P P P P Carnival of no more than 30 days P S Cell tower P P P P P P P P P P P P Cemetery P P P P P P P P P P Chemical manufacturing, refining, and processing S S P S Chicken hatchery S P S S Child care S S S S S S P P P P S S S Chiropractic care
establishment engaged in the science and the art of preventing, curing, or alleviating disease (non-institutional)P P P Church P P P P P P P P P P P S Circus of no more than 30 days P S Civic center P P Clothing manufacturing S P P S S Club S S S S S S P P P P P P Cold storage plant S P P P P P College and related facilities S P S S Co-location on a cell tower P P P P P P P P P P P P Co-location (other than on cell tower) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Commercial fishing vessel facility (pier, wharf, deepwater berth, etc.) S P P P P Commercial marina (with boat ramp) P S S P P Commercial marina (with no boat ramp) P S S P P Communication facility (other) S S P P P Community college S P S S Community recreation center P P P Confectionery, provided that products prepared or processed on the premises shall be sold only at retail and only on the premises P P P Contractor's office S P P P P P P P P Contractor's plant and/or storage yard S P P P P P Convalescent home P P P S Convenience store S P P S P P Cooperage works and crafting services P S P S Country club and related uses P P S S S S P P P S S Credit union P S P P P S Crematorium S S S S S S P S S Dairy products processing plant S P S S Dance studio P P P Day care center S S S S S S P P P P S S S Deepwater berth facilities for cargo, marine research, and commercial fishing vessels S P P P P Delicatessen, provided that products prepared or processed on the premises shall be sold only at retail and only on the premises P P P Delivery service P P S P P Dental laboratory P P P P Dental office and/or clinic P P P Diner P P P P S Disco, cabaret, nightclub, bar, and/or related entertainment facility P P S Dock (private) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Dock, barge, tugboat, and related water transportation facility services and/or equipment P P P Dormitory S P S S Drive-in facility P P P P S Driving range P P P Dry cleaning establishment P P P P P P P Drystack boat storage P S S P P Duplex (aka two-family dwelling) P P P P P P P P Dwelling, single-family
detached (note: single-family attached is two-family or more)P P P P P P P P P Dwelling, two-family (aka duplex) P P P P P P P P Dwelling, three-family (aka triplex, multi-family, or group housing) P P P P P P Dwelling, four-family or more (aka multi-family or group housing) P P P P P P Efficiency unit P P P P S S S P P Electrical repair shop P P P P S S Electronic machines,
equipment, and/or supplies manufacturingP P P S S Elementary school P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Entertainment facility (bar, disco, nightclub, cabaret, etc.) P P S Equipment rental and storage S Export cargo packing and/or crating facility P P P P Exterminating service P P P P P P Fabricating shop (wood, metal, upholstery, etc.) P P P P S S Fair of no more than 30 days P S Fairground P P Family care home P P P P P P S S Family day care center S S S S S S S S Farm implement sales and/or service P P P P Fiberglass manufacturing P S P S Financial institution P S P P P S Fire and/or rescue station P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Fish and/or other seafood processing P P P P P P Fishing camp P P P Fishing pier P P P P P Fishing ranch P P P Fishing vessel facility (commercial pier, wharf, deepwater berth, etc.) S P P P P Floating platform for cargo handling operations P P P P Floating structure S S S S S Flower shop and/or florist P P P Food processing/
manufacturing in wholesale quantitiesP S S Foundry P P P Freight transportation
warehousingS P P P P Fruit and/or vegetable stand on same parcel as produced P P S S S P P P P S P P Funeral home S S S S S S P p S S Furniture manufacturing
plantP P S S Garage (motor vehicle repair) P P P P P P Garden supplies P P P P P Gasoline station P P P P P General merchandise store P P P P P General warehousing P P P P General wholesaling P P P P Gift shop P P P Golf course P P P P P P P P P S S Golf course (miniature) P P S Golf driving range P P P Government use P S S S S S S P P P P P P P S S P P P S Grain storage and/or shipping P P P P Greenhouse (wholesale) P P P P P Group care facility S S S S S S S S S Group home S S S S S S S S Group housing (aka multi-family housing, also three-family or triplex and more dwelling) P P P P P P Gymnasium P P Handcrafting of small articles P P P S Health care (institutional) P P P P Health care establishment engaged in the science and the art of preventing, curing, or alleviating disease (non-institutional) P P P Health club P P High school P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Home for the aged P P P P Home occupation (Major) P P S S S S S P S S Home occupation (Minor) P P P P P P P P Hospital P P P P Hotel P P P P Hotel (residential) P P P Housing designed for, and used by, the elderly P P P P P P Indoor shooting range P P P P P Industrial sales and/or repair of equipment P P P P P Junior high school P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Junkyard S P Kennel S S S S S S S P S P P P P Kindergarten P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Laboratory (medical, dental, optical) P P P P Laboratory (research) P P P Landfill S Laundry establishment P P P P P P P Leather and leather products manufacturing P P Library S S S S S P P P P P P Locksmith P P P Lodge P P S S S S P P P P Lumber and wood products manufacturing S P P P P Machinery and equipment manufacturing (including industrial, mechanical,
electrical)S P P P P Mail order house P P P P Manufactured home (aka mobile home) P P P P P P Manufactured home and/or modular home dealer P P P Manufactured home park (must comply with density requirements of the underlying zoning district) P P P P P P P Manufactured home
(temporary)S S S S Manufacturing and assembly S P P P P Marina (commercial, with boat ramp) P S S P P Marina (commercial, with no boat ramp) P S S P P Marina (residential) S P P P P P P P Marine equipment store P P P P P P Marine railroad yard P P P P P Marine research facility P P P P P P Marine research facility pier, wharf, deepwater berth, etc. S P P P P Mausoleum S S S S S S S P P P S S Medical care establishment engaged in the science and the art of preventing, curing, or alleviating disease (non-institutional) P P P Medical laboratory P P P P Meteorological tower P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Middle school P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Mineral manufacturing, refining, and/or processing S S P S Miniature golf course P P S Mining P P P P Mini-warehouse (aka
mini-storage or storage units)S P P P P P P Miscellaneous manufacturing S S P P P Miscellaneous retail P P P P P Mobile home (aka manufactured home) P P P P P P Mobile home and/or modular home dealer P P P Mobile home park (must comply with density requirements of the underlying zoning district) P P P P P P P Mobile home (temporary) S S S S Model unit marketing center S S S S S S S S Modular home P P P P P P P P P P Modular home and/or manufactured home dealer P P P Mortuary S S S S S S P S S Motel or motor court P P P P Motor vehicle repair garage P P P P P P Motor vehicle service station P P P P P Motorcycle sales and repair P P P P Multi-family housing (aka group housing, also triplex or three-family or more dwelling) P P P P P P Museum S S S S S P P P P P P Music studio P P P Newspaper office and incidental printing P P P P P P Nightclub, bar, disco, cabaret, and/or related entertainment facility P P S Non-profit recreational facility P P P P P P P P P P P Non-profit wildlife shelter S P P Nursery (wholesale) P P P P P Nursing home P P P P Office P P P P P P P P P P P P P Off-premises sign Not Permitted
Optical laboratory P P P P Osteopathic care
establishment engaged in the science and the art of preventing, curing, or alleviating disease (non-institutional)P P P Other communication facility S S P P P Outdoor shooting range P Outer continental shelf service and/or supply base S P P P Overnight recreational and/or camping vehicle storage P P P S P P Paper and allied products manufacturing P P P P Park (public) P P P Parsonage P P P P P P P P P P S Personal services P P P P P Petroleum and related products manufacturing S P Pharmaceutical manufacturing P P Photography studio P P P Physical fitness studio P P Pier (fishing) P P P P P Pier (private) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Pier for cargo, marine research, and commercial fishing vessels S P P P P Place of public assembly P P P Plastic manufacturing P S P Pool center or hall P P P S Pool for swimming at a single-family residence P P P P P P P P Pool for swimming (not at a single-family residence) S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P Post office P S S S S S S P P P P P P P S S P P P S Pottery, porcelain, and/or vitreous china manufacturing S P P Primary metal products manufacturing P P P Printing and publishing P P S P P P P Private school P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Psychiatric care
establishment engaged in the science and the art of preventing, curing, or alleviating disease (non-institutional)P P P Public assembly (place of) P P P Public park P P P Public school P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Public utility infrastructure P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Public utility office P P S P P P P Public utility workshop and/or storage S P P P P Quarrying P P P P Radio studio or station P P P S S S Radio transmitting tower P P P P P P P P P P P P Railroad transportation facility (aka railroad station) P P P P Railroad yard (marine) P P P P P Ramp (boat launching) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Recreation center
(Community)P P P Recreational club P P S S S S P P P P Recreational facility (for profit) P P S S S Recreational facility
(non-profit)P P P P P P P P P P P Recreational vehicle park P P Recycling of waste matter S S P Repair garage (motor vehicle) P P P P P P Rescue and/or fire station ) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Research facility (marine) P P P P P P Research facility pier, wharf, deepwater berth, etc. S P P P P Research laboratory P P P Residential hotel P P P Residential marina S P P P P P P P Rest home P P P P Restaurant (with drive-in/
drive-thru window)P P P P S Restaurant (no drive-in/
drive-thru window)P P P P P P S Retail business P P P P P Retail (miscellaneous) P P P P P Rubber products
manufacturingP S P Sale of alcoholic beverages in a retail establishment P P P P P P Sanitarium care P P P P Savings and loan association P S P P P S School (public or private) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Scrap processing P P Seafood processing, handling, storage, and/or sales P P P P P Senior high school P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Service station (motor vehicle) P P P P P Ship's store P P P P P P Shooting range (indoor) P P P P P Shooting range (outdoor) P Side show of no more than 30 days P S Sign (off-premises) Not Permitted
Signs (manufacturing and/or assembly) P S P P P P Single-family dwelling, detached (note: single-family attached is two-family or more) P P P P P P P P P Skating rink P P S Slaughterhouse S P P P Sludge disposal and/or septage S P P P Stable (private or public) P P P P P P P P P P P P Stadium S P S S Stationery store P P P Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products manufacturing S P P P Storage (drystack for boats) P S S P P Storage (overnight
recreational and/or camping vehicles)P P S P P Storage units (aka
mini-storage or
mini-warehouse)S P P P P P P Storage yard (boats) S P P P S P P Studio for arts, photography, dance, and/or music P P P Surgical care establishment engaged in the science and the art of preventing, curing, or alleviating disease (non-institutional) P P P Pool for swimming at a single-family residence P P P P P P P P Pool for swimming (not at a single-family residence) S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P Swine production S P S S Taxi terminal P P S S P P Telecommunications facility (cell tower) P P P P P P P P P P P P Telecommunications facility (co-location on a tower) P P P P P P P P P P P P Telecommunications facility (co-location, not on a cell tower) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Television studio or station P P P S S S Television transmitting tower P P P P P P P P P P P P Temporary manufactured/mobile home S S S S Tennis court (private) P P P P P P P P P P P Tennis court (public and/or commercial) S S S S S S P P P P P Terminal activities (vehicle) S P P S P Terminal (bus) P P S S P P Terminal (taxi) P P S S P P Terminal (wholesale storage and bulk, excluding flammable products, chemicals, and mineral manufacturing and storage) P P P P Terminal (wholesale storage and bulk for flammable materials) S S Textile manufacturing S S P P Theatre (indoor) P P P P Theatre (outdoor) P P P S S Tire recapping and retreading S S P Tobacco manufacturing S S P P Tobacco sales warehousing P P P P Tower
(See: Telecommunications)P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Tower (TV, radio transmitting) P P S Townhouse P Trade school S P S S Trailer (utility/hauling) sales and/or rental P P P P P Transportation equipment manufacturing S P P P Triplex (aka three-family dwelling, group housing, or multi-family) P Truck sales P P P P Tugboat, dock, barge, and related water transportation facility services & equipment P P P Two-family dwelling (aka duplex or single-family attached dwelling) P P P P P P P P University S P S S Utility infrastructure (public) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Utility office (public) P P S P P P P Utility workshop and storage (public) S P P P P Vegetable and/or fruit stand on same parcel as produced P P S S S P P P P S P P Vehicle terminal activities S P P S P Vending machines located outdoors P P P P P P P P P P Veterinary clinic P P P S S Vocational school S P S S Warehousing (freight
transportation)S P P P P Warehousing (general) P P P P Warehousing (tobacco sales) P P P P Water transportation facility, including docks, tugboats, barges, and related services & equipment P P P Wharf for cargo, marine research, and commercial fishing vessels S P P P P Wholesale (general) P P P P Wholesale nursery and/or greenhouse P P P P P Wholesale storage and/or
bulk terminal (excluding flammable products,
chemicals, and mineral manufacturing and storage)P P P P Wholesale storage and/or bulk terminal for flammable materials S S Wholesale with related retail business P P P P P P P Wildlife shelter (non-profit) S P P Wind turbine: Small system (up to 25 kW) that is attached to a house P P P P P P P P P P P Wind turbine: Small system (up to 25 kW) that is not attached to a house P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Wind turbine: Large system (26—999 kW) P P P P P P P P P P P P P Wind turbine: Utility-scale (1,000 kW or more) P P P P Woodworking shop S P P S S Yacht club P S S S P — See RB district for more detail.
P — In MC district, only if one-story and on-chassis or frame...minimum MH Park space size requirements apply.
(Ord. of 10-1-90; Ord. of 3-11-91; Ord. of 8-5-91(1); Ord. of 2-3-92; Ord. of 4-6-92; Ord. of 6-1-92; Ord. of 10-5-92; Ord. of 10-4-93; Amend. of 5-1-95; Ord. of 3-4-96(4); Ord. of 3-17-97; Amend. of 3-2-98(5); Amend. of 9-15-98(6); Amend. of 3-1-99; Amend. of 7-12-99; Ord. of 6-4-01(3); Ord. of 11-16-04; Amend. of 12-13-05(2); Amd. of 3-6-06(4); Amd. of 3-19-07(4); Ord. of 6-4-07(4); Amend. of 10-15-07(4); Ord. of 8-17-09(2); Amd. of 2-15-10(4); Ord. of 7-19-10(6); Amend. of 1-12-11; Amended 8-15-11; Ord. of 12-19-11(8); Amend. of 9-17-12(3); Amend. of 4-15-13(2); Ord. No. 9-21-15; Amend. of 12-21-15(1); Res. of 3-21-16)