Carteret County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 1. Development requirements for manufactured home parks.
Minimum project area: Every new MH park shall be at least three acres in size.
Minimum lot dimensional requirements: Minimum MH space requirements shall be that of the underlying zoning district or as listed herein, whichever is greater.
Lots within zoned areas: Every lot or space shall have sufficient lot area, lot dimensions, and building setbacks to permit a principal structure to be erected or placed thereon in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Carteret County Zoning Ordinance.
Lots within unzoned areas: Every lot shall have sufficient lot area, lot dimensions, and building setbacks to permit a principal structure to be erected thereon in compliance with the requirements delineated in the tables below.
Minimum Lot Area and Lot Dimensions for a MH Space or Lot
Improvements Lot Area
(sq. feet)Lot Width*
(feet)Lot Width (feet) on cul-de-sac bulb Lot
(feet)Public water and sewer 7,000 50 40 25 Public water, or public sewer 10,000 65 50 25 No public water or public sewer 15,000 75 60 25 * = Lot width is measured at the building setback line … Lot frontage is measured at the front lot line.
Minimum Principal and Accessory Building Setbacks for a MH Space or Lot
From the front property line 20 feet* From the side property line 7 feet From the side property line on a corner lot 15 feet From the rear property line 10 feet From any exterior property line of the MH park 20 feet * = 40 feet if located along a major thoroughfare (NC 12, 24, 58, 101, and US 70)
Non-conforming structures damaged or destroyed by a state- or federally-declared natural disaster may be repaired or replaced in the existing footprint. At such time, the structure must comply with the Carteret County Flood Damage Prevention and Protection Ordinance. This shall include elevating the structure in the existing footprint to meet the required base flood elevation. Any construction outside the existing footprint must meet the required setbacks.
Substantially-damaged structures (damaged more than 50 percent of structural value) may be replaced in the existing building footprint. At the time the structure(s) is replaced, the landowner(s) is encouraged to protect the existing areas of environmental concern. In order to be replaced on the existing building footprint, a complete application must be submitted within two years from the date the structure was damaged or destroyed. If deemed incomplete due to the need for additional technical information, the applicant shall have no longer than 90 additional days to supply that information to the planning department or the application will be null and void.
Lot line configuration: Sidelines of lots should be at or near right angles or radial to street lines. No intersecting lot lines shall have an angle of less than 60 degrees.
Lot lines and drainage: Lot boundaries shall coincide with natural and pre-existing man-made drainageways to the extent practicable to avoid lots that can be built upon only by altering such drainageways.
Each space shall be designated on the ground by permanent markers or monuments.
Storage of a manufactured home shall be prohibited.
The surface of each MH stand shall be located on properly-graded and compacted soil and shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the proposed manufactured home.
All MH parks shall front on a public or private road.
Accessory uses: A development submittal form shall be completed for all accessory uses. The total square footage of all accessory uses shall not to exceed 300 square feet. An accessory structure with any dimension greater than 12 feet shall require a building permit.
Parking: Parking spaces sufficient to accommodate at least two automobiles shall be constructed within each MH space, and they shall be paved and/or covered with four inches of N.C. Department of Transportation approved Type ABC stone compacted crushed stone or other similar materials.
Road improvements: The roads and driveways of the MH park shall be improved. Minimum improvements shall be a compacted base of four inches of N.C. Department of Transportation-approved Type ABC stone. Roads shall be maintained with a good and passable surface, free of ruts and potholes. Driveways shall be of adequate widths to accommodate parking and traffic volume in accordance with the type of road:
Minimum MH Park Road Characteristics
Type of Road Minimum
PavementCompacted Gravel Shoulders Required? Entrance and other collector streets with guest parking on both sides 36 feet 20 feet Yes (unless adequate guest parking is provided through another plan)
Collector street with no parking 24 feet 20 feet No Minor or cul-de-sac street with no parking, more than 500 feet long and/or serving 15+ MH stands. 24 feet 20 feet No One-way minor street with no parking, less than 500 feet long and serving fewer than 15 MH stands, 16 feet 14 feet No 1.13.
No MH space shall have direct vehicular access to an exterior public street.
No banks, except along drainage ditches, in the park shall be created with a slope steeper than three feet to one foot.
Cul-de-sac and dead-end streets: The maximum distance from an intersecting through street to the end of a cul-de-sac shall be 900 feet, except where, upon the approval of the planning commission, existing conditions warrant a modification of this requirement. The radius of the improved portion of a cul-de-sac shall be a minimum of 35 feet. The diameter of a cul-de-sac shall be a minimum of 96 feet
Each MH space shall have adequate access for both MH and automobile(s), with a minimum access width of 20 feet, unless more is deemed necessary because of topographical conditions or street curvature.
When the MH park has more than one direct access to a public street, these shall not be less than 200 feet apart or closer than 300 feet to a public street intersection, unless topographical conditions or unusual site conditions demand otherwise.
Signs for identification of parks: Permanent MH park signs shall not exceed 48 square feet in area. Such signs shall be placed so as not to obstruct the view of traffic and may be illuminated in such a fashion so as not to affect the view of motorists. Signs must be located on the park property within 50 feet of the entrance and at least ten feet off the front property line. Signs must be located a minimum of five feet from any side property lines.
Screening and buffering: Screening is used to reduce or hide the visual and noise impacts of non-residential uses on nearby residential and institutional land uses by using trees, shrubs, and other plant materials to materially hide the non-residential uses and to muffle the sounds that are generated by them. Buffering is used to reduce conflicts between and impacts on, adjoining land uses by separating them with a buffer yard or strip.
General screening requirements: In all cases where a mobile home park use abuts any other use or zoning district, screening shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of section 1.19 and other pertinent provisions of this ordinance when the non-residential property is developed.
When a mobile home park property is developed adjacent to a residential or institutional use or district, a vegetative planting area that is at least ten feet wide must be provided to materially screen, as determined by the planning director or designee, the principal and accessory structures and uses within the subject property from the view of abutting residential or institutional properties.
When a mobile home park property is developed across the street from a residential or institutional use or district, the vegetative planting area shall not be required in the front yard setback, except for a:
Parking area or lot with five or more parking spaces,
Side on corner setback of a corner lot (also known as the secondary front yard setback).
Outdoor storage, and
Boat storage area or facility.
For those exceptions where screening is required in the front yard setback, all screening shall be as close as possible and practical to the mobile home park property and extend no more than halfway to the right-of-way, except for any parking area or lot with five or more parking spaces. Such parking area or lot screening in the front yard setback shall use only species that generally do not grow to be taller than three feet.
Lawns and other grassed areas shall not be included in calculating the width of the vegetative planting area. The vegetative planting area must be installed and be in compliance with this ordinance before a certificate of occupancy can be granted.
The vegetative planting area shall contain at least two groups of planted materials:
Group One: At least two off-set rows of evergreen shrubs shall be planted whose trunks are spaced not more than four feet apart at planting (measured side-to-side, as well as row-to-row), have a planted height of at least three feet, and are of such type that can be expected to be five feet or more in height after three growing seasons. The row that will be planted nearest to the land use being screened shall usually be planted between three and five feet from the land use.
Group Two: In addition, the vegetative planting area shall contain at least a separate row of shrubs that are dense, low-lying, continuous, and planted so as to visually fill-in the low-lying gaps between the trunks of the evergreen shrubs. In addition to the required Group One and Group Two plantings, the developer is encouraged to do more than the minimum and to utilize additional groups and rows of shrubs and/or trees, as appropriate for the land use being screened and the surrounding residential and/or institutional uses.
The intent of these screening requirements is that the planning director or designee shall have complete flexibility in approving the placement and location of the Group One and Two plantings so as to materially screen the ground floor of the land use or land uses. Such flexibility shall include placement at the property line, near the use, and all points in-between the use and the property line.
Chain-link and other wire fences cannot be used to provide required screening, even when slat inserts are used.
Such screening is not required at access points to the property, such as entrances, exits, driveways, and sidewalks. Screening planted near driveways, entrances, and exits intersecting with a roadway shall be planted so that the outside edge of the plantings is no closer than 15 feet to the intersection and shall be kept trimmed so that the outside edge of the plantings is no closer than ten feet to the intersection. If a DOT driveway permit requires a sight triangle at a driveway, entrance, or exit, the portion of any required 15-foot vegetative planting area that would otherwise overlap the sight triangle shall be omitted.
Maintenance of screening: All screening that is required by this ordinance shall be maintained in a healthy state by the property owner(s) so as to continue its effectiveness. Periodic inspections may be made to determine continued effectiveness of the required screening. Any deficiencies, if not addressed to the satisfaction of the planning director or designee, shall be treated as a violation of this ordinance.
Any shrub that is required screening that needs to be replaced due to an unhealthy state or because it has not grown to be five feet tall after three growing seasons shall be replaced within 30 days of notification in writing by the planning director or designee. Any trees that are required screening that need to be replaced due to an unhealthy state shall be replaced within 180 days of notification in writing by the planning director or designee. If the unhealthy state is caused by a natural disaster (such as a hurricane, extreme drought, forest fire, etc.), the replacement period for shrubs and trees shall be doubled to 60 days and 360 days, respectively.
The replacement screening shall be of the same species or of similar effectiveness for screening, as determined by the planning director or designee, and shall be at least as tall as the two nearest plants or plantings in that group, tier, or row, as appropriate.
When a vegetative planting area is deemed inappropriate by the planning director or designee due to site, neighborhood, or other conditions, the planning director or designee may allow either a durable masonry wall or privacy fence or any combination of walls, fences, and vegetation that are designed to be compatible with the character of adjacent properties, as determined by the planning director or designee.
Walls and fences: Adjacent to a mobile home park, walls and fences that are required by this ordinance must be at least five feet in height but shall not be greater than eight feet in height, measured from the ground along the common lot line of adjoining properties. Adjacent to a mobile home park, walls and fences that are required by this ordinance must be at least five feet in height but shall not be greater than ten feet high. Walls and fences must be constructed and maintained in a safe and sound condition. Walls and fences near driveways and entrances and exits intersecting with a roadway shall be no closer than ten feet to the intersection.
No fence or wall taller than three feet (whether required or not) may be located in the front yard setback or the side yard on street right-of-way setback.
When chain-link and other wire fences are installed on a mobile home park property, they shall be screened by Group One plantings. Screening of other types of walls and fences on non-residential property is not required but plantings along them are encouraged, particularly along taller sections and longer stretches.
Screening outdoor storage: Outdoor storage of any material, stocks, or equipment (other than within an individual mobile home space) must be screened from any abutting residential use or district, in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance.
Waiver of screening requirements when screening is already provided: There may be cases where the unusual topography or elevation of a site, the size of the parcel involved, existing vegetation on the site, or the presence of screening on abutting property would make the strict adherence to the ordinance serve no useful purpose. In those cases, the planning director or designee is empowered to waive the requirements for some or all of the screening, as long as the spirit and intent of the ordinance and the general provisions of this ordinance pertaining to screening are adhered to.
Vegetative requirements along shorelines of sounds, rivers, canals and other water bodies: Except when accessory structures are allowed in rear or side yards under other provisions of this ordinance, the minimum rear and side yards for the mobile home park shall remain vegetated on waterfront lots. The vegetation shall consist of grass, trees, other planted ground cover, or remain in a natural state. Only the sides of the property abutting the sound, river, canal, or other water body shall comply with this requirement.
Screening and trash receptacles: Dumpsters, trash compactors, and similar trash receptacles (other than a receptacle that serves just an individual mobile home space shall be enclosed on all four sides, except that one of the four sides may have a three-foot wide pass-through opening for persons to access the dumpster without having to open the dumpster gate. The trash receptacle shall be oriented so that the opening is visible to the fewest number of residences, whether the residences are on-site or off-site. Three of the sides must be constructed of durable materials that match or complement the principal building. The fourth side shall be an opaque gate that latches securely to prevent it from inadvertently opening. The wall and gate shall have a minimum height of eight feet. A chain link fence shall not be permitted for the wall or the gate.
Landscaping: Landscaping is recommended throughout the park with ample trees and shrubs to provide shade and break up open areas. All banks and open areas shall be stabilized.
General buffering requirements: Buffering is used to reduce conflicts between and impacts on, adjoining land uses by separating them with a grassed buffer yard or strip. The developer may substitute a landscaped buffer for the grassed one.
When a mobile home park is developed adjacent to a:
Residential or institutional use or district, at least a five-foot wide buffer yard or strip must be provided along all side property lines and at least a 15-foot wide buffer yard or strip must be provided along all rear property lines that abut that residential or institutional use or district.
The developer may elect to use a durable masonry wall or privacy fence that is at least eight feet tall and is designed to be compatible with the character of adjacent properties. If the materials, height, and design are approved by the planning director or designee, the approved wall or fence may be used to substitute for up to eight feet of the required 15-foot buffer yard or strip.
Public or private street, at least a 20-foot wide grassed buffer yard or strip must be provided along all property lines that abut or are a part of a public or private street.
No fence or wall taller than three feet (whether required or not) may be located in the front yard setback or the side yard on street right-of-way setback. The required buffer yard or strip must be installed and be in compliance with this ordinance before a certificate of occupancy can be granted.
Maintenance of buffering: Any buffer yard or strip that is required by this ordinance shall be maintained in a healthy state by the property owner(s) so as to continue its effectiveness. Periodic inspections may be made to determine continued effectiveness of the required buffering. Any deficiencies, if not addressed to the satisfaction of the planning director or designee within 30 days of notification in writing by the planning director or designee, shall be treated as a violation of this ordinance.
Removal of rubbish: All cut or fallen trees, stumps, or rubbish shall be completely removed from the MH park.
Clearing drainage ways: During the construction, preparation, arrangement, and installation of MH park improvements and facilities in the MH park at or along a stream bed, the developer shall maintain the stream bed of each stream, creek, or backwash channel and banks of the stream. All streams, creeks, and channels shall be kept free of debris, logs, timber, junk, and other accumulations of a nature that would, in time of flood, clog or dam the passage of waters in their downstream course; installation of appropriately sized storm water drains, culverts, or bridges shall not be construed as obstructions in the stream.
Recreation and open space: MH parks shall develop and maintain their own recreational areas or pay a fee in lieu of dedication. A total of 1,000 square feet of recreational area shall be reserved for each MH space located within the MH park. This recreation space shall be located in a consolidated site accessible to all occupants of the MH park. In MH parks containing 100 or more spaces, recreational facilities shall be divided into multiple sites, with one site for each 100 spaces or portion thereof. The recreational site shall be landscaped, usable ground. Water areas, marsh and periodically flooded areas may not be included in the calculation of space.
In no case shall a developer be required to dedicate more than 30 percent of the acreage of a development.
Criteria for evaluating suitability of proposed recreation, parks, and open space areas shall include but not be limited to the following as determined by the Carteret County Planning Commission in consultation with the Carteret County Recreation Advisory Board.
Unity: The dedicated land shall be a single parcel except where it is determined that two or more parcels would be in the public interest. The planning commission may require that the parcels be connected and may also require a path at least 30 feet in width in addition to the land requirement.
Location: The dedicated land shall be located so as to serve the recreation needs of the immediate neighborhood within the subdivision.
Physical characteristics: The shape, topography, and subsoils of the dedicated land shall be such as to be usable for parking and active recreation. Lakes and marshes may not be included in computing dedicated land area, unless acceptable to the planning commission.
Accessibility: Public access to the dedicated land shall be provided either by an abutting street or public easement. Such public easement shall be at least 30 feet in width.
Fees-in-lieu of dedication: In lieu of the dedication of land, a developer may provide funds in the amount of the assessed value, but not to exceed $15,000.00 per acre, of the land required to be dedicated to Carteret County. The county may use the funds to purchase recreational land or improve existing parks within the recreation district. This may be done in lieu of providing the land required, if so approved by the Carteret County Planning Commission.
The planning commission may, in cases of an unusual or exceptional nature, allow adjustments in the dedication requirements established in this ordinance. Such adjustments shall be reviewed by the Carteret County Recreation Advisory Board and the planning commission. An unusual or exceptional nature may include but not be limited to land within the development set aside for private recreation or proposed expenditures for recreational facilities or equipment.
The expenditure of recreation funds paid by the developer to the county in lieu of the dedication of land shall be determined by the Carteret County Board of Commissioners.
If the land required for donation in a particular section of a development exceeds the total required, the difference can be applied to future sections.
If the overall master plan of a MH park shows future recreation areas that are not included in the section receiving final plat approval, the donation of recreation land (or fees) shall not be required for that section at that time.
If the overall master plan of a MH park shows future recreation areas that are included in the section seeking plan approval, the donation of that recreation land and any improvements shown thereon may be included in the performance guarantee for that section and may be included in any extensions to the performance guarantee that are approved by Carteret County.
If the cost or value of the future recreation areas does not equal the amount of fees-in-lieu of land dedication that are due for the entire development, the difference shall be proportionally divided among all lots shown in the overall master plan and that proportional difference shall be due for all lots in each section prior to final plat approval.
If the overall master plan of a MH park shows no future recreation areas, the donation of recreation fees in-lieu of dedication shall be required prior to final plan approval for each section, based upon the number of lots or spaces in that section.
Modular homes: Provided that all other conditions of this ordinance can and shall be met, a one-story modular home on-frame or off -frame shall be allowed, subject to the three following conditions:
The modular home may be placed in any MH park space that is:
10,000 square feet or larger in any MH park that was approved before January 1, 2010 or
15,000 square feet or larger in any MH park that was approved on or after January 1, 2010.
A permission to locate letter from the park owner or responsible agent is submitted to the planning department.
Documentation is submitted to the planning department that the health department has been approved the sewage disposal system for the modular home.
Structural additions: All structural additions shall be removed within 60 days after the subject MH is moved, unless attached to another MH on the same site within the 60-day period.